Comic Image
Mayor Holtz
Toma's now somewhat alone in the belly of the beast, so to say. Well maybe figuratively literally with the city being both a dragon AND the mayor.

Coloring by Queso

And that's it for Reel 1! As I said at the start up uploading Reel 1, Page 1, due to full time job and other projects, I need time between chapters to work on the next so I can upload it weekly once I start uploading them.

I thank you for your patience as these pages are quite massive and I'd much rather be uploading these in big chunks of FULL chapters rather than having delays of a week or two between each upload.

So I've been keeping up on this, and already I'm working on pages 18 and 19 this week, with chapter 2 ending on page 20. So with a little bit of time to let the coloring buffer buffer as well, I'll be uploading Reel 2 as soon as I can while I work on Reel 3.